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L'Internationale Online

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Families playing in the reading and family space of the MACBA Collection

Reading and family space

This is the reading and family space for the exhibition MACBA Collection: Prelude. Poetic Intention. A place to ‘be’. A place to relax and share a moment with those around you. A place for children to play, but also for learning and unwinding.

Discover the space


To go beyond the usual barriers and bring art and community closer than ever. To promote interaction, dialogue, reflection and to challenge certain institutional routines. To embrace cultural and artistic diversity and differences, opening up new perspectives: ecofeminism, sensoriality, poetics, neighbourhood, desire, critique...
Vistes de l'exposició de Bouchra Khalili

Dissabtes MACBA

Every Saturday starting at 4 p.m. you can visit all the exhibitions for free and get a closer look at them, guided by the artists.

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Radio Web MACBA
Son[i]a #400
Juan Bufill

In this podcast, we sit down to talk with the poet, experimental filmmaker, scriptwriter, photographer, critic Juan Bufill talkl about the foundation of the Film Video Informació (FVI) and the many different artistries that came together there.

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Radio Web MACBA
Son[i]a #399
Ramón Grosfoguel

In this podcast, Puerto Rican sociologist and activist Ramón Grosfoguel guides us through centuries of obscurantism in Europe: from Christopher Columbus’s meeting with Queen Isabella in Granada on 11 January 1492 to the debate between Bartolomé de las Casas and Juan Ginés de Sepulveda that laid the groundwork for the biological and culturalist racism that persists to this day.

Listen in RWM